Dimensions 70 × 30 × 38 cm
Volume 80L
Background different blue colors airbrushed to back and sidewalls
Lighting 4x18 watts, flourescent, 10 h
Filtration Eheim 2224 canister with foam cubes (ADA)
and ceramic rings (Siporax),
Eheim 2011 canister with carbon (by pass)
Plants Micranthemum umbrosum 1,
Ludwigia arcuata 2,
Eusteralis stellata 3,
Micranthemum micranthemoides 4,
Rotala rotundifolia 5,
Glossostigma elatinoides 6,
Riccia fluitans 7,
Vesicularia dubyana 8
Animals 13 Paracheirodon axelrodi,
5 Megalamphodus megalopterus,
8 Megalamphodus sweglesi,
Amano and bee shrimps
Materials driftwood, small lava rocks,
substrate: ADA aqua soil amazonia
Additional Information set-up date 29/12/2000, photos taken 8-9/2001,
CO2 injection (20-30mg/L),
fertilization: KNO3 and traces daily (ADA step1
plus small amounts of Kremser's Ferrdrakon),
chelated iron (ADA) every 3 days after 10% water
replacement, PO4 once in between,
ADA bottom sticks every 3 months.
This tank was very much inspired by Amano's wonderful artworks.