#95: 170L Aquatic Garden Java Isle

Roland Seah Singapore, Singapore


Very well done low light tank! The aquarist has done a great job using the hardscape and epiphytes to create an impression of rolling hills. The sense of depth to this aquascape is strong and is enhanced by the strong foreground. It could use some cleaning up though. The moss looks like it's starting to invade the other plantings and the E. tenellus growing right up to the glass could use some thinning.
— Phil Edwards
VERY nice vibrantly healthy example of a low-light tank. Good job!
— Karen Randall
Use of ferns and Microsorum was very good. But it could be better if there are more plants in the background.
— Takashi Amano

Aquascape Details

Dimensions 90 × 45 × 45 cm
Title Java Isle
Volume 170L
Background NA
Lighting 4 x 36W PL, 144W
Filtration Eheim Ecco and Atman 3335, 1 biofilter and 1 mechanical
Plants Microsorum pteropus, Echinodorus tenellus, Bolbitis heudelotii, Anubias barteri var nana, Anubias coffeefolia, Cryptocoryne balansae, Cryptocoryne wendtii 'Tropica', moss,
Animals Harlequin rasbora, 6 banded barbs, chocolate gourami, assorted corydoras, Otocinclus, yamato shrimp, sparkling gourami, dwarf loach
Materials drift wood, NISSO volcanic soil with JBL base fertlizer
Additional Information Easylife Profito twice per weekly, Liquid iron and K2SO4

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