#49: 260L Aquatic Garden Deep Underwater Forest

Assaf Almog Yehud, Israel


Lovely tank that shows what a stunning display can be achieved with very few species of plant. But why oh why did you leave the spary bar across the front of the tank when you took the pictures!?!
— Karen Randall
An impressive aquarium and surely the centerpiece of the room it stands in. Fish and plants are in the peak of health. Notwithstanding its good qualities it can be vastly improved by trying to integrate the driftwood pieces more smoothly into the plant groupings. The branches are too bare and lifeless as well. Adding mosses ferns and Anubias nana to the bases should help immensely in both regards. Also the gap between the two mounds of colorful stem plants is too centered so move it to one side some more. Remove the Eheim spray bar next time when taking photos.
— Carlos Sanchez

Aquascape Details

Dimensions 160 × 40 × 40 cm
Title Deep Underwater Forest
Volume 260L
Background None
Lighting 264 Watt
Filtration Internal power head filter
Jebo 809B- 1200 L\H
Atman 3338 - 1200 L\H
Plants Glossostigma Elatinoides , Rotala Macranda , Ammannia Gracilis , Hygrophila Polysperma Sunset , Nymphaea "Tiger" lotus , Hygrophila difformis , Echin Parviflorus .
Animals Iriatherine werneri , Microgeophagus ramirezi ,Apistogramma cacatuoides ,Crossocheilus siamensis,panaque nigrolineatus L190, Corydoras aeneus , Ancistrus temminckii , Otocinclus vittatus, Peckoltia vittata , Corydoras reticulatus , Melanotaenia boesemani , Corydoras sterbai ,Puntius denisonii , Ctenopoma acutirostren.
Materials Lava Rocks, Amazonas driftwood
Additional Information UV Sterilizer system
Sera CO2 diffusing system
JBL CO2 reactor

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