#85: 430L Aquatic Garden Plant collector's discus tank

Sanna Paakkanen Espoo, Finland


I really like the soft natural look of this tank. I like the way the driftwood has been used to represent roots hanging down and the casual but at the same time very well balanced plant groupings. Good job!
— Karen Randall

Aquascape Details

Dimensions 145 × 60 × 50 cm
Title Plant collector's discus tank
Volume 430L
Background Grey paperboard
Lighting Fluorescent lightning, 225W
Filtration Eheim professional 2028 and Eheim 2252.
Plants Ludwigia inclinata var verticillata "cuba", Ludwigia inclinata, Hemianthus micranthemoides, Heteranthera zosterifolia, Barclaya longifolia, Nuphar japonica, Rotala macaranda, Hydrocotyle leucocephala, Myriophyllum propinum, Echinodorus magdalenensis, Cabomba caroliniana, Anubias barteri var angustifolia, Hygrophilas: corymbosa, -polysperma, -difformis, -rosanervig.
Animals 6 x Discus, 10 x Cardinal tetras, 10 x Hemigrammus bleheri, 3 x Peckoltia (L 134), Bristlenose pleco, 6 x Corydoras sterbai, 2 x Apistogramma ramirezi.
Materials Fine sand on the bottom, few black rocks for the plecos to hide, moorwood roots on the left and large mangrove root behind the moorwood. Another mangrove root is placed on the right side of the aquarium.
Additional Information CO2 addition, fertilisation with PMDD twice a week, thin layer of clay is placed under the sand.

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