#99: 95L Aquatic Garden Rocky Mountain

Gary Wu Discovery Bay, Hong Kong

Awards and Comments

Third Place
Although this is a healthy planted aquarium I do not feel it is a compositionally balanced one. The fact that all the stem plants are on the left and all the rocks are on the right does not create a harmonious layout.
— Carlos Sanchez
Very very pretty tank! Something looks wrong with your Riccia however. I can't tell whether it is a problem with the photo or if it is unhealthy but Riccia shouldn't be that color!
— Karen Randall

Aquascape Details

Dimensions 97 × 24 × 41 cm
Title Rocky Mountain
Volume 95L
Background Black Foam
Lighting 4 x Philips 39W T5HO FL, 1 x 18W T5 UV FL, 10 hours per day with a break 2 hours in between
Filtration Eheim 2213 Canister filter
Plants 1. Bacopa caroliniana
2. Rotaia rotundifolia
3. Rotala indica
4. Riccia fluitans
5. Glossostigma elatinoides
6. Heteranthera Zosterifolia
7. Didiplis diandra
8. Vesicularia Dubyana
9. Cratonneuron filicinum
10. Ludwigia sp(Cuba)
Animals 1 Beckford's Pencilfish, 2 Blue shrimp
Materials ADA Aqua Soil Amazonia, Weathered stone

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