#109: 180L Aquatic Garden Deep green grassland

Pawel Piotrowski Warszawa, Poland


Your fore and midground are quite nice but the background lets the tank down. The wisps of Val and tall Crypts don't add much interest and the mushroom cloud of E. vivipara draws te eye away from the nicer areas of the tank. The good news is that since you've handled the more difficult fore and mid ground areas of the tank it should be relatively easy to bring the background up to snuff with some carefully chosen stem plants.
— Karen Randall
Just 1 comment first the back ground because of the nature of the middle section I think it will look better if there was also 2 sections of Eleocharis spp.
— Luis Navarro

Aquascape Details

Dimensions 90 × 45 × 45 cm
Title Deep green grassland
Volume 180L
Background black paper
Lighting HQI 2x70 W
Filtration Fluval 204 with skimmer
Plants 1 - Hemianthus callitrichoides "Cuba"
2 - Echinodorus magdalenensis
3 - Cryptocoryne wendtii "Tropica"
4 - Cryptocoryne retrospiralis
5 - Blyxa japonica
6 - Eleocharis vivipara
7 - Eleocharis acicularis
8 - Eleocharis parvula
9 - Vallisneria sp.
Animals Paracheirodon axelrodi - 20
Trigonostigma espei - 14
Colisa chuna - 6
Botia sidthimunki - 2
Crossocheilus siamensis - 2
Caridina japonica - 30
Materials substrate: Lavaplan, Volcanit.
rock: black granite
Additional Information CO2 system: high pressure bottle, Eheim CO2 reactor
fertilization: Tropica Master Grow, Planta Gainer Macro, Planta Gainer Ferro+, JBL Ferrotabs

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