#125: 300L Aquatic Garden The Mysterious Island

Samuel Bouziat Marcilly en Villette, France


Really eye-catching tank. Good use of color and some nice diagonal lines. I like the slightly "mysterious" look of the light falling off toward the outside edges.
— Karen Randall
The island is present but the mystery is missing... However I like the use of Pogostemon for this purpose. Normally you would see Hemianthus or Glossostigma but Pogostemon works fine in this case.
— Ole Pedersen
Nice plant selection! The design is good I will advise you to work more on your trimming I am sure the tank can improve by just making a few modification. The C crispulata var. balansae shadows your Cypherus hleferii on the fornt picture.
— Luis Navarro

Aquascape Details

Dimensions 150 × 40 × 50 cm
Title The Mysterious Island
Volume 300L
Background black poster
Lighting 2x36W Osram biolux
2x36W Sylvania Daylight
2x36W Sylvania Aquastar
Filtration external filtration : fluval 404 1100L/h

internal filtration : 300L/h
Plants 1 sagitaria subulata ; 2 pogostemon helferi : 3 lobelia cardinalis ; 4 hygrophila polysperma ; 5 limnophila aquatica ; 6 lysimachia nummularia ; 7 eusteralis stellata ; 8 monoselenium tenerum ; 9 heteranthera zosterifolia ; 10 alternanthera reineckii ; 11 hygrophila polysperma rosanervig ; 12 echinodorus magdalenensis ; 13 bacopa caroliniana ; 14 ludwigia repens ; 15 ludwigia repens rubin ; 16 nesea crassicaulis ; 17 cyperus helferi ; 18 cryptocoryne balensae ; 19 cryptocoryne wendtii green
Animals corydoras paleatus (20), cardinalis (25), scalaires (5), maroniis (3), epalzeo siamensis (2), otocinclus (15), tetra citron (10), veuves noires (10).
Materials substrate : sable de loire
Additional Information special substrate : Aquabasis + JBL
fertilization : Algoflash reverdissant antichlorose + Algoflash regénérateur oligo-éléments.

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