#66: 88L Aquatic Garden

Robert Y.C. Lau Honolulu, United States


Your arrangement is attractive but at least for my tastes you have over done the bronze plants. I prefer to see red plants used as accents rather than the main event. The Ammannia while a beautiful plant is also a little coarse looking used in this quantity in a tank of this size. You are using Didiplis in the tank already and that is a much more delicate plant with a lovely naturaly growth pattern. Why not replace one of your stands sof Ammannia with that?
— Karen Randall
You have one beautiful tank! the 2 section are well done maybe the right section need to be a little more dense. The left side is just fine the only problem I can see ids the Ammania spp. close to the left foreground to me it just don't belong there.
— Luis Navarro

Aquascape Details

Dimensions 76 × 30 × 38 cm
Volume 88L
Background none
Lighting Coralife 65 watt X 2 Compact fluorescent
Filtration Fluyal 204
Plants Didipis Diandra, Anubias Nana, Singapore Moss,Cryptocoryne Wendtii bronze, Rotala Indica, Ammannia Senegaleniss, Hemmianthus Callitrichoides
Animals Amber Tetra X 5, Neon Tetra X 8 and 3 Guppy.
Materials Asian driftwood
Additional Information Pressurized C02, 80% Water changes Weekly, substrates(Flora Base, poting mix)

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