#96: 45L Aquatic Garden Growing Friendships

Cameron Spivey Decatur, United States


I like the low maintenance slow growth nature of this tank. The plants chosen are beautiful well grown and contrast nicely with each other. I'm not wild about all the big round stones but if you are going to use them I would at least be consistent and stick to all of one type. The few redder stones are distracting among all the grey ones.
— Karen Randall
I like you idea! the rocks in the foreground sorrounded by Eleocharis spp. is a nice touch. I would like to see just one color rock and probably more open spaces for the hair grass to fill in.
— Luis Navarro

Aquascape Details

Dimensions 30 × 30 × 36 cm
Title Growing Friendships
Volume 45L
Background n/a
Lighting 24watt compact fluorescent, 6700k- 12hrs. daily
Filtration JBJ Nano Cube, sponge/bio balls
Plants (1) Cryptocoryne undulatus, (2) Anubias nana, (3) Eleocharis parvulus
Animals 6 Corydoras aeneus, 3 Otocinclus affinis, 2 Caridina japonica, 3 Hyphessobrycon herbertaxelrodi, 2 Botia Almorhae
Materials Eco-complete substrate, river rocks & driftwood
Additional Information DIY co2, 50% water change weekly. Supplements: Flourish Excel, Flourish Iron, Flourish, Potassium & Flourish Comprehensive.

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