#13: 64L Aquatic Garden L'arc En Ciel

Verludi Irawan Lungtan, Taiwan


Nicely done. A little more structure to the mid-ground would make it an even stronger layout.
— Karen Randall
The plants are healthy. The red plant attract peoples' eye well!
— Justin Law
The back 1/2 of the tank is very boldly done. The greenery/hardscape draws my focus to the right but is torn back by the bright reds. The foreground feels too understated given what is behind it. Drawing some of the rock and moss into it would do nicely along with a little foreground sloping/elevation play.
— Tony Gomez

Aquascape Details

Dimensions 60 × 30 × 36 cm
Title L'arc En Ciel
Volume 64L
Background Black Cardboard
Lighting HQI 150W 6000k
Filtration Tetra Ex-75
Plants 1.Rotala Rotundifolia var. Gontin
2.Rotala Macranda
3.Lindernia Rotundifolia "Variegatus"
4.Hygrophila Balsamica
5.Bolbitis Heudelotii
6.Eleocharis Parvula
7.Fontinalis Antipyretica
8.Christmas Moss (?)
9.Utricularia bifida L.
Animals Paracheirodon Innesi x 25, Otocinclus Vestitus x 2, Neocaridina Denticulate x 20
Materials moss-tied driftwoods, rocks, ADA Amazonia substrate
Additional Information NPK, Dupla Plant 24, aeration for 8 hours after light off with lily pipes.

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