#144: 153L Aquatic Garden Java Backwoods

Gligorijevic Zoran Vlasotince, Serbia


Attractive tank but could use a stronger focus or point of interest. The moss on the vertical pieces of wood direct the eye out of the aquascape.
— Karen Randall
Good hardscape selection and positioning. The moss is a little too dominating and would benefit from some pruning to improve the composition.
— George Farmer
There is an unfortunate shapelessness to this layout that could be readily corrected by organizing the plant groups into more distinct spaces and by moving the perimeter of the main body back and forth from the foreground.
Accentuate a focal point to give the viewer's eye a place to rest.
— Bob Vivian

Aquascape Details

Dimensions 85 × 40 × 45 cm
Title Java Backwoods
Volume 153L
Background White cardboard.

Lighting 3 x 20 W Energy saver, 1 x1 8w Gro-lux, 10-12 hours daily.
Filtration External glass filter 15x40x45 cm with peat, sponge and fibers.
Plants Christmas moss, Taiwan moss, Microsorum pteropus Narrov, Microsorum pteropus Windelov, Anubias nana, Cryptocoryne wendtii tropica, Blyxa japonica and Rotala spec. green.
Animals Trigonostigma heteromorpha,Paracheirodon innesi, Crossocheilus siamensis and more than a 100 of Caridina japonica.
Materials Pebbels over peat layer as substrate with decorative rocks and driftwood.
Additional Information 5ml of PMDD occasionally. I do one third of tank volume water change bimonthly.

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