#73: 370L Aquatic Garden Tai Chi

Miao Dongliang Suzhou, China


Very nice tank with pleasing lines. Well maintained with good trimming technique obvious.
— Karen Randall
Excellent layout with great variation in textures. If anything the Java fern is a little too dominating and the glosso looks too immature. But these are minor drawbacks from an otherwise superb aquascape. Well done.
— George Farmer
This aquascape successfully presents a good sense of time passage. However since Microsorium is growing too densely it gives the viewers visually a feeling of pressure. In this case giving the plants a drastic trimming will result in a nice outcome. The distribution of the stemmed plants are concentrated on the right side. They should be arranged evenly over the layout.
— Takashi Amano

Aquascape Details

Dimensions 150 × 45 × 55 cm
Title Tai Chi
Volume 370L
Background Black vinyl
Lighting FL 30WX4+ PL 36WX2
Filtration External filter 1200L/h
Plants 1)Glossostigma elatinoides
2)Cryptocoryne lucens
3)Bilbitis heudelottii
4)Microsorium pteropus
5)Hygrophila polysperma
6)Cryptocoryne affinis
7)Rotala indica
8)Rotala rotundifolia var.gontin
9)Rotala rotundifolia
10)Ludwigia brevipes
11)Ludwigia palustrisXrepens.
12)Didiplis diandra
13)Rotala macrandra"narrow leaf"
14)Vesicularia antipyetica
15)Vallisneria nana
Animals 1)Paracheirodon axelrodi
2)Pristella maxillaris
3)Otocinclus affinis
Materials river sand+granite+Driftwood

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