#166: 120L Aquatic Garden the two islands

Carlo Braga Robbiate, Italy


I like the wrap-around feel of this charming little tank. It would be better though if the path didn't lead in a straight line right up the middle of the tank.
— Karen Randall
A nice and healthy looking tank. Narrow down the number of plant species and focus on one or two species in the back to add depth to the tank. Beautiful shot of the ram!
— Bailin Shaw

Aquascape Details

Dimensions 81 × 36 × 52 cm
Title the two islands
Volume 120L
Background none
Lighting 4x24 watt T5ho:
1x10.000°kelvin, 1x7000 kelvin , 2x6.500° kelvin. with 10 hours/day
Filtration Askoll Pratiko 200
Plants Utricularia Graminifolia, Alternanthera reineckii, Weeping moss,Fissidens fontanus,Bacopa caroliniana,Eustralis stellata,Echinodorus muricatus, Echinodorus horemanni, Echinodorus Tenellus, Rotala macranda, Hygrophila polysperma rosa, Hemiantus calli,Tiger Lotus

Animals 3 Otociculs affinis , 2 Pangio kuhlii, 4 Megalamphodus sweglesi, 10 Tetra neon, 3 Michrogeophagus Ramirezi, 6 Poecilia Reticolata
2 neritina zebra
Materials There are 2 different types of stones red color end white, substare Seachem fluorite , in the central white sand
2 big driftwoods and 2 small
Additional Information fertilization is Seachem Fluorish, Potassium, iron , Excel and trace
Pressurized CO2 askoll sistem, 15 bubbles for minute at foto-period only
Water change 40lt. a week

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