#170: 45L Aquatic Garden Bosque Nativo Chileno

Guillermo Andres Barrientos Naranjo Santiago, Chile


Nicely composed layout. The different texture of plants in interesting and pleasing. The way the wood comes into the foreground is nicely done.
— Jason Baliban
This is a very pretty tank and I was even more impressed to read that it was done with all native species. Lovely job!
— Karen Randall
I like the weedy look of this aquarium a lot. That you used only native species shows extra creativity on your part.
— Phil Edwards
A very nice tank that is just about complete. The Elatine needs to fill in a bit more to soften up the hardscape in the front. Also the small pieces of driftwood makes the tank look messy. Well done.
— Bailin Shaw

Aquascape Details

Dimensions 50 × 30 × 30 cm
Title Bosque Nativo Chileno
Volume 45L
Background white carpet
Lighting 1 PLL 36W 4000K
Filtration Bag Filter
Plants 1.Litorella australis, 2.Eleocharis sp.,3.Elatine sp., (4&5 unknown species) , 6 Callitiche sp.
Animals 15 Gambusia affinis
Materials rocks, sand and driftwood
Additional Information This aquascape was realized only with chilean native species.
Substrate based in natural clay mixed with volcanic gravel and a little part of peat and humus.
No need to use a water heater

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