#197: 140L Paludarium number 2

Carlos M. Horcades Rio de Janeiro, Brazil


I like the draped effect of the plants on the left side of the paludarium. Something along the back of the tank would really improve this paludarium.
— Bailin Shaw
Pretty tank and I like the arch of the terrestrial plants. However the plain slate showing in the middle looks very unnatural.
— Karen Randall

Aquascape Details

Dimensions 70 × 35 × 60 cm
Title number 2
Volume 140L
Background mirror
Lighting 80watts
Filtration biological
Plants echinodous tenelos, echinodorus amazonenses,anubia nana,anubia lanceolatta, microsorium, mosses, ferns,Jawa moss
Animals guppies
Materials rocks
Additional Information liquid fertilizer

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