#91: 27L Aquatic Garden Slice of a Shallow Stream

Thomas Bond Gordon, Australia


Very nice job in an unusually shaped tank.
— Karen Randall
What a cool tank! With a little more work this could be an impressive tank. Try to offset the left and right sides of the tank. A little more maturity of the plants in the tank and you'll have a gem!
— Bailin Shaw
Very nice job composing a very challenging shaped tank. Very nice job.
— Jason Baliban

Aquascape Details

Dimensions 120 × 15 × 15 cm
Title Slice of a Shallow Stream
Volume 27L
Lighting 1 x 40w t8
Filtration sump, 800 lph
Plants Pogostemon helferi, fissidens sp. (Australia), Fissidens fontanus, Echinodorus quadricostatus, Fontinalis Antipyretica, Vesicularia sp Flame, Hemianthus micranthemoides, anubias nana 'mini'
Animals White cloud mountain minnows
Materials River sand, Sand stone
Additional Information Diy co2, diy substrate (laterite, vermiculite, peat, gravel, sand)

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