#157: 673L Aquatic Garden Aeon

Jason Baliban Phoenixville, United States


This is a lovely tank with good use of both hardscape and plants. Great choice of fish too. If there were one thing I would change SLIGHTLY it would be to put a bit more angle on the path so that it lead the eye back around the planting areas. As it is it is slightly too close to the center and slightly too straight.
— Karen Randall
A real touch of nature I feel in your tank.
— Oliver Knott

Aquascape Details

Dimensions 152 × 61 × 61 cm
Title Aeon
Volume 673L
Lighting 2x150MH
Plants Java Fern 'Trident', Bolbitis Heudelotii, Taxiphyllum Alternans, Anubias barteri var. nan 'Petite'
Animals Microgeophagus Ramirez, Hyphessobrycon pulchripinnis, Megalamphodus sweglesi, Corydoras panda, Otocinclus, Caridina japonica

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