#349: 110L Biotope Aquascape Acuario de rio negro

Martin San Mechanicsburg, United States


Your tank is SO dark that it is difficult to fully assess. But it has a pleasant mysterious feel all the same. And the animals and decorative materials are appropriate for the biotope.
— Karen Randall
A nice dark natural biotop
— Oliver Knott

Aquascape Details

Dimensions 76 × 30 × 46 cm
Title Acuario de rio negro
Volume 110L
Lighting 1 t12, 6500k
Filtration Aquclear 30 and marineland 10-20 Hang on back folters
Animals Pterophyllum scalare - 2
otocinclus sp - 6
rummy nose tetra -6
Materials driftwood and leaf litter
Additional Information please note that "rio negro" as used inthe title is stands for black river, not the actual river, Rio Negro

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