Dimensions 80 × 40 × 35 cm
Title spring colors
Volume 112L
Background ADA Amazonia, Penac P, Penac W, Bacter 100, Clear Super e Tourmaline BC.
Lighting Global 6x 24W T5 Lamps ( 3x Arcadiafreshwater 3x Arcadia freshwater original)
Filtration 2x Canister Sera 900 Linked
Plants Callitriche stagnalis, Pogostemon helferi, Rotala sp “pink”, Tonina sp “belem”, Proserpinaca palustris, Micranthum micranthemoides
Animals Hemigrammus rodwayi x 15, Otocinclus affinis x 7, Pomacea bridgesiix 3.
Materials natural rocks
The negative points are the plants at the background right side and I miss some hardscape at the right half of the aquarium but only small details in a piece of art!