#124: 81L Aquatic Garden Along the narrow stone wall

Jihoon Hyun Goyang-Si, South Korea


Nice breaking of the aquascape into mounds but the rockwork looks a little unnatural. Many of the plants are lacking clear trimming or direction.
— Kris Weinhold
This tank is just a little "new" looking. Things need a chance to settle in and grow a bit. The stonework on the right is arranged in a fairly natural way while that on the left looks a little too much like a stacked stone wall.
— Karen Randall
Good start to your aquascape. The arrangement of your rocks are done nicely to represent a rock wall and the plants all appear to be healthy. I would suggest that you add some stem plants and replace some of the slower growing plants. Good job.
— Bailin Shaw

Aquascape Details

Dimensions 90 × 30 × 30 cm
Title Along the narrow stone wall
Volume 81L
Background mist sheet
Lighting DIY LED Lighting
Filtration Eheim 2215
Plants Microsorium Pteropus, Microsorium Pteropus Narrow, Microsorium Pteropus var. windelov, Fissidens moss, Weeping moss, Vesicularia sp.,Taxiphyllum species peacock, bolbitis heudelotii, Cryptocoryne Balansae, Brown Cryptocoryne Wendetii, Anubias Bateri green & white
Animals Orizias Sinensis x 10, Black eyed yellow ansistrus x 3
Materials plat rocks, driftwood, amazonia II, river sand
Additional Information No further fertilization

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