#182: 640L Aquatic Garden Enchanted forest

Rui Manuel Martins Alves Malviera, Portugal

Aquascape Details

Dimensions 160 × 80 × 50 cm
Title Enchanted forest
Volume 640L
Lighting Fixture by Aquaeden 8x80w T5 / 8 hour/day
Filtration Eheim 2180 with Équo Stilla, Ada Bio-rio and Bamboo charcoal.
Plants Eleocharis párvula
Bolbitis heteróclita difformis
Vesicularia dubyana "cristhmas"
Vesicularia dubyana "weeping"
Animals 200 Paracheirodon simulanas
20 Caridina japónica
12 Crossocheilus siamensis
Materials Substrate : Power-sand, aquasoil amazonia, Mekong Sand.
Driftwood: Hornwood
Rocks: Aquagravel L and Xl.
Additional Information Co2: Pressurized sytem with Ada Pollen glass 50 / 5 bubbles/second.
Fertilization: Ada Brighty K, Step 2 and Special lights.

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