#253: 56L Aquatic Garden Amanhacer da Primavera

Thiago Daniel Eloi da Hora Recife, Brazil

Awards and Comments

Top Ten
Nice use of texture in the front. I like the touch of red. Easy on my eyes.
— Mike Senske

Aquascape Details

Dimensions 50 × 40 × 28 cm
Title Amanhacer da Primavera
Volume 56L
Background cardboard and luminaire
Lighting 4t5 24w JBL
Filtration JEBO 1200L/H
Plants Rotala Green, Rotala Nanjenshan, Rotala indica, Eleocharis Minima, Eleocharis Japan, Hidrocotyle Maritima,Staurogyne Sp, Glossostigma Elatinoides, Sacramento MOSS e Wepping Moss.
Animals 7 Hyphessobrycon herbertaxelrodi(neons negros) e 16 Paracheirodon simulans (neons verdes).
Materials Substrate MBREDA and rocks collected
Additional Information fertilization sistem index. Products seachem ( nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus e iron).

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