#431: 420L Aquatic Garden Nohills

Tomasz Filipek Gdynia, Poland

Aquascape Details

Dimensions 140 × 50 × 60 cm
Title Nohills
Volume 420L
Background "Milk-foil" and LED lights (possible to set many colors).
Lighting 4x54 Watt (3 x daylight and pinkish light)
Filtration Tetra EX 700
Plants 1. Echinodorus Yellow Sun
2. Cryptocoryne wendtii Tropica
3. Vesicularia dubyana
4. Micranthemum umbrosum
5. Glossostigma elatinoides
6. Didiplis diandra
7. Heteranthera zosterifolia
8. Echinodorus ocelot red
9. Rotala rotundifolia
10. Ludwigia repens
11. Myriophyllum aquaticum
12. Blyxa japonica
13. Pogostemon helferi
14. Hydrocotyle leucocephala
15. Hydrocotyle tripartita
16. Aponogethon madagascariensis
17. Bacopa caroliniana
18. Eustralis stellata fijn
19. Hygrophila polysperma
20. Eleocharis acicularis
21. Riccia fluitans
22. Riccardia chamedryfolia
23. Lotos tiger red
24. Anubias nana
25. Microsorium
26. Hemianthus micranthemoides
27. Hemianthus callitrichoides
28. Monosolenium tenerum
Animals 1. Paracheirodon innesi x 10
2. Paracheirodon axelrodi x 20
3. Crossocheilus oblongus x 8
4. Otocinclus affinis x 10
5. Farlowella acus x 1
6. Hasemania nana x 8
7. Pristella maxillaris x 6
8. Prionobrama filigera - Glass

bloodfish x 6
9. Trichogaster lalius x 2
10. Pangio kuhlii x 1
11. Caridina multidentata x 4
12. Neocaridina heteropoda (a lot)
13. Kryptopterus bicirrhis x 4
14. Carnegiella marthae x 1
Materials Flower soil, peat, carbon active, clay balls, volcanic rocks, rocks (dont know what kind of), Ichthyo Trophic aquarium substrate.
Additional Information I use many kinds of fertilizers but mostly salts. I give a lot of Iron (about 400 % of manufacturer recommendation).

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