#55: 243L Biotope Aquascape Black Heaven

Achintya Shankar Adhikari KOLKATA, India

Awards and Comments

Top Ten
VERY pretty and accurate too. Well done!
— Karen Randall
It seems that wood and Cardinal Tetra tanks are become more common as a "go-to" biotope these days but yours has an element missing from many others I've seen. I can't exactly put my finger on it but whatever it is I like it.
— Phil Edwards

Aquascape Details

Dimensions 120 × 45 × 45 cm
Title Black Heaven
Volume 243L
Background Black
Lighting 23W*1 6500K CFL, 5W*2 6500K CFL.
Filtration Tetra ex power 120, Eheim 2215.
Animals Paracheirodon axelrodi (Cardinal Tetra): 50 nos
Apistogramma trifasciata : 2 male, 4 female
Corydoras panda : 12 nos
Otocinclus affinis : 6 nos
Materials For substrate I choose sand.For hardscape I have used Branchy driftwoods and broken leaves to leach tannin.As we find lots of driftwoods and broken leaves are there in South American Blackwater.I try to replicate the same in my aquarium.
Additional Information This tank was set up August 2012.I have a harem of Apistogrammma trifasciata in my tank and they laid eggs here. Also I have pregnant Cardinal Tetra in my tank.

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