#26: 50L Aquatic Garden Rupture

Andreas Ruppert Frechen, Germany

Awards and Comments

Top Ten
The slant of your rock work looks very natural. The very straight very white path less so. Also watch your reflections when you shoot. The reflection on the left makes it look like you've placed a rock going the wrong way when you actually have not!
— Karen Randall

Aquascape Details

Dimensions 45 × 36 × 31 cm
Title Rupture
Volume 50L
Lighting 2x25W Dennerle Scapers light
Filtration Dennerle external filter 360l/h
Plants Hemianthus callitrichoides "Cuba", Rotala mexicana "Goias", Eleocharis pussila, Fissidens fontanus, Crepidomanes malabaricum, Bucephalandra motleyana "Kapit petite", Ricardia chamedryfolia, Vesicularia dubyana, Cryptocoryne parva, 2 unknown mosses
Animals Paracheirodon simulans ,Caridina multidenta, Clithon spec.
Materials Substrate: Dennerle soil and white sand
Hardscape: Ohko stones

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