#356: 350L Aquatic Garden Hidden place

pasquale buonpane Piedimonte Matese, Italy

Awards and Comments

Second Place
Aquascaping is art I have no doubt about this but when I see a picture like this that makes me feel PEACE I receive a real proof about it!
Congratulations for your sensitivity!
— Luca Galarraga
Good effort maybe more tree layering at the back side will give tank more of a 3D effect and definitely more depth.
— Kam Wong
I love the serenity that this tank exudes.
— Karen Randall

Aquascape Details

Dimensions 140 × 52 × 60 cm
Title Hidden place
Volume 350L
Lighting 4x36w(6.500 °K)
Filtration Canister filter
Plants Vesicularia montagnei,Vesicularia ferriei,Fissidens fontanus,Callicostella sp.,Eleocharis parvula,Hemianthus sp."Montecarlo",Utricularia graminifolia.
Animals 15 Paracheirodon innesi,15 Caridina japonica,Neocaridina "Red Cherry",Neritina sp.

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