#245: 59L Aquatic Garden

Thiago Daniel Eloi da Hora Recife, Brazil

Awards and Comments

Honorable Mention
I have talked about this tank in other contests' once again I admire how elegant and dynamic it is. Perfect plant choice skillfully trimmed very well balanced. An example of what a Nature Aquarium should be for my taste.
— Juan Puchades Rufino
Wonderful layout transmitting a peaceful feeling just like a Nature Aquarium must be! Good sense of depth and right plant choice.
Congratulations in my TOP5!
— Luca Galarraga

Aquascape Details

Dimensions 60 × 35 × 28 cm
Volume 59L
Background Luz projetada
Lighting Luminária Aqualed 3000 - 5.700K e 3.000 lumens + 2 lampadas t5- 24w natur e color.
Filtration EHEIM Classic 150
Plants Eleocharis vivipara "Mini,Eleocharis "Mínima", Eleocharis japan, Valisnéria nana, Hemianthus micranthemoides , Hemianthus callitrichoides "cuba",Callitriche sp, Ludwigia arcuata,Echinodorus tenellus "Amano",Staurogyne repens, vesicularia dubyana,vesicularia ferriei e nambei moss.
Animals 12 Lamp Eye - Aplocheilichthys normani
Materials -Substrato MBREDA
-Rochas Blackrock MBREDA
-Troncos coletados
Additional Information Fertilização sistema index com produtos Acquafauna.

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