#424: 392L Paludarium 夜色

徐泓 福州市, China


This is one of the better developed water portions in a paludarium for this year's contest. The land portion has some beautiful Bromeliads and the moss is maturing nicely on the wood. The denisonii look at home in the tank. Well done!
— Bailin Shaw

Aquascape Details

Dimensions 140 × 70 × 40 cm
Title 夜色
Volume 392L
Background 香槟树皮
Lighting 70W金卤灯6盏
Filtration 底缸过滤
Plants 积水凤梨,空气凤梨,附生兰花,细叶铁皇冠,小水榕,小水剑,石斛,各种莫丝,姬凤,虎斑睡莲
Animals 一眉道人10只,宝莲灯50只,
Materials 枫叶石,粗河沙,杜娟根
Additional Information 大量虾类除藻

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