Dimensions 310 × 65 × 50 cm
Title My tank
Volume 1000L
Background Jewel 3D Background
Lighting 1 row Philips 830 (2x 58 Watt)
1 row Philips 840 (2x 58 Watt)
1 row Philips 830 (2x 58 Watt)
1 row Sylvania AquaStar (2x 58 Watt)
Filtration Ceramic stones
Plants 1 Anubias barteri
2 Heteranthera boisin
3 Bacopa australis
4 Echinodorus spec.
5 Cryptocorine wendti groen
6 Echninodorus tenellus
7 Rotala rotundifolia
8 Hygrophila balsamica
9 Nymphaea lotus "groen"
10 Barclaya longifolia “groen” bloeiend
11 Staurogyne repens
12 Ludwigia glandulosa
13 Blyxa japonica
14 Staurogene repens
15 Nymphaea lotus "rood"
16 Hygrophila corumbosa
17 Ludwigia repens
18 Cryptocoryne balancae
19 Alternanthera rheinecki minor
20 Echinodorus kleiner “bar” met bloeistengel
21 Ammannia gracilis
22 Hygrophila difformis
23 Pogostemon helferi
24 Hygrophila corumbosa “smal”
25 Bacopa monieri
26 Javavaren
Animals 12 Carnegiella striata
2 Colisa chuna + young
16 Nannostomus marginatus
12 Hemigrammus bleheri
20 Cheirodon simulans
20 Hyphessobrycon elachys + young
4 Stiphodon
4 Rhynogobius spec. + young
Materials No decorative Materials were used, just plants.
Additional Information 2 potfilters Eheim 2040
1 Surface cleaner (skimmer)
Lights are automaticly started and dimmed
Amazing aquarium that keeps your interest left to right. There is a constant change in contrasts. Not only by colour height and leaf structures but also by playing around with different sized groups of plants. In addition the shifts of senses of depth within the composition also contribute to an exciting view all over the layout.
There is just one weaker point in the composition and that is Ludwigia. That group of plants somehow feels out of line with rest of the composition.
But in the end: extremely high level of this tank should end up in the top of this category.