#661: 357L Paludarium Daughter

Luidi Rafael de Souza Doim Ponta Grossa, Brazil

Awards and Comments

Top Ten
Nicely designed paludarium! I love the use of the pitcher plants and flycatchers! The water portion of the layout was also well done. The only aspect I didn't like was the tree in left side which doesn't fit the layout well. Good job.
— Bailin Shaw

Aquascape Details

Dimensions 170 × 60 × 35 cm
Title Daughter
Volume 357L
Lighting Led Eco-Lamps KR90FW 35w x 4
Filtration Canister ehein 2215
Plants Hydrocotyle tripartita, Eleocharis sp., Callitriche sp., Anubia barteri "nana", Eriocaulon sp. Tibagi, Lobelia cardinalis "small form" Higrophyla pinatifida, Orthophytum foliosum, Neoregelia fireball, Cryptanthus microglazioui, Orthophytum sp., Sarracenia sp., lomariopsis vestita, Cryptanthus, Drosera vulgaris, Fissidens sp., Vesicularia dubyana, Selaginella kraussiana, Cryphaea tenella, Lomariopsis lineata, Neoregelia fireball, Pecluma sicca,
Animals 40 Aphyocharax paraguayensis,15 Otocinclus affinis
Materials Substrate Amazonia MBREDA, aroeira driftwood, river rocks and river sand
Additional Information Nebulization system every four hours, fifteen minutes

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