#144: 200L Biotope Aquascape Small pocket of Teesta River, West Bengal, India.

Romain Gabriel Mounichy Poucharramet, France


While the plants and animals are found in India they are not found in the same biotopes. For instance one would never find Lagenandra meeboldi in the same vicinity as Valisneria.
— Karen Randall

Aquascape Details

Dimensions 100 × 40 × 50 cm
Title Small pocket of Teesta River, West Bengal, India.
Volume 200L
Background full black back.
Lighting 1x 30 watts T8 neon for 12 hours a day.
Filtration Internal filter 400L/h, Power head 600L/h
Plants Ceratopteris thalictroides, Rotala, Lagenandra Meeboldii, Aegagropila Linnaei, Vallisneria, Monosolenium Tenerum.
Animals 2 Botia Lohachata, 1 Spiny Eel, 3 Badis Badis, 25 Danios Rerio (not on photos)
Materials JBL aqua basis, river sand, round stones collected from nearby river, driftwood collected from river (cleaned).

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