#165: 44L Aquatic Garden The Rising River

Fabricio Rufino de Souza São Roque, Brazil


Good proportion and shadows but the fishes and some plants disharmonize the scale.
— André Longarço

Aquascape Details

Dimensions 50 × 34 × 26 cm
Title The Rising River
Volume 44L
Lighting Hqi 150w
Filtration Mini canister Ista
Plants Rotala rotundifolia, Rotala green, Rotala butterfly, Eleocharis mínima, Pogostemon helferi, Hemianthus callitrichoides, Anubia nana petit, Nambei moss, Christmas moss, Fissidens fontanus, Bucephalandra mini coin e Bucephalandra Sylvia
Animals Paracheirodon axelrodi e Poropanchax normani
Materials Substrato Amazônia MBreda e rochas
Additional Information Fertilização diária com MBreda e TPA 2x por semana

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