#26: 215L Aquatic Garden Zionland

Martial Hervy Veneux les sablons, France

Awards and Comments

Honorable Mention
Great layout with awesome composition. The natural atmosphere is the highlight of the job. Maybe one bigger empty space on the top would be better.
— André Longarço

Aquascape Details

Dimensions 95 × 50 × 45 cm
Title Zionland
Volume 215L
Background backlighting
Lighting 4x 39 W T5
Filtration 2x 1000 L/h
Plants microsorum trident
bolbitis heudelotii
glossostigma elatinoides
fissidens fontanus
cryptocoryne beckettii
hemianthus micranthemoides
eleocharis parvula
hydrocotyle tripartita
vesicularia sp
riccardia chamedryfolia
bucephalandra sp
anubia barteri nana petite
cryptocoryne pigmea
Hemianthus callitrichoides cuba
Animals 30 Paracheirodon simulans
Materials river sand, local stones, local roots

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