#281: 1000L Aquatic Garden Chakouat

Beaudemoulin Alain Tampon, Reunion

Aquascape Details

Dimensions 240 × 70 × 60 cm
Title Chakouat
Volume 1000L
Lighting 5 hqi 70 w 6500k osram
Filtration external filter 3500l/h
Plants microsorum, hemiante , cryptocorine green , brown, dussens hygrophila compact , fissidens fontanis , ricardia , pogostemon...
Animals Hyphessobricon , néocaridina
Materials driftwood and rocks of Réunion island . Amazonia substrate (ada)
Additional Information K2sO4; KnO3, KH2po4 , Ca , Mg ,oligo elements and Co2

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