#3: 41L Aquatic Garden FLOW

Jirawong Laopiyasakul Pattaya, Thailand

Awards and Comments

First Place
Great layout!!! Very powerful. Nice balance and naturality. Good perspective but maybe if the woods in the back would more thin we could reach more depth sensation.
— André Longarço
Stunning! The very fine textures and extensive use of several aquatic mossess work brilliantly in this aquarium. It's absolutely my n
— Domenico Losciale

Aquascape Details

Dimensions 45 × 30 × 30 cm
Title FLOW
Volume 41L
Background NONE
Lighting Chihiros A-Series (A451) x 2
6 hours a day
Filtration EHEIM Classic250 (2213)
Plants Vesicularia ferriei / Fissidens fontanus / Hyophila involuta / Fontinalis Antipyretica / Plagiomnium Trichomanes / Taxiphyllum sp. Flame / Riccardia graeffei / Fissidens Nobilis / Fissidens splachnobryoides / Taxiphyllum sp. Spiky / Fissidens Zippelianus / Crepidomanes auriculatum / Limnophila heterophylla / Rotala Wallichii
Animals Boraras urophthalmoides
Materials Local driftwood and rocks
Additional Information Blackearth Premium

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