#418: 202L Aquatic Garden New Hope

Cuijian Ningbo, China

Aquascape Details

Dimensions 90 × 50 × 45 cm
Title New Hope
Volume 202L
Background No.
Lighting Golden Halogen light with double light bar 150W,8hrs per day.
Filtration One set Eheim 600.
Plants Riccardia chamedryfolia, Hemianthus “cube”, Rotala sp “green”, Vesicularia ferriei, Hymenasplenium obscurum , Eleocharis sp , Staurogyne repens.
Animals Moenkhausia Pittieri, Blue green damselfish,Atyoidae.
Materials Volcano Stone, dead wood, Water Plant Mud.
Additional Information Using the realistic style, I capture a corner scene of the jungle. The fish will be hanging around the woods like the bird. The harmonious of the natural has so much to do with our human beings. We can only get the gift from nature if we respect it.

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