#81: 300L Aquatic Garden 被洪水淹没的森林

盘育成 佛山市, China

Awards and Comments

Top Ten
Awesome layout very strong and detailed. Some fine wood could be desnecessary. Some mosses are trimming with no nature shape. Very impressive work congratulations.
— André Longarço
The best of this aquarium is the play of light and shadows the depth is a great point to consider...I love it!!!. Congratulations
— Balbi Vaquero

Aquascape Details

Dimensions 120 × 50 × 50 cm
Title 被洪水淹没的森林
Volume 300L
Lighting 卤素灯150wx2
Filtration 创星1200x2
Plants 绿袜莫斯,绿藻球,青木蕨,小叶美凤,迷你水榕
Animals 宝莲灯
Materials 火山石,沉木,杜鹃根,榕树根
Additional Information 身处水底的森林,静谧而神秘,鱼儿在其中穿梭畅游,别有一种感觉。

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