#117: 1L Aquatic Garden Flood

Jose Luis Ortiz Gamez El Borge, Spain


Thank you for your submission. It appears there was some thought and purpose to the rock placement. I would have liked to see as much thought put into the planting.
— Shawn McBride

Aquascape Details

Dimensions 14 × 7 × 5 cm
Title Flood
Volume 1L
Background Cartulina blanca
Lighting 1 led de 1w 6500k
Filtration Ninguna
Plants Bucephalandra, Fontinalis antypiretica, spike moss y rotala green.
Animals Alevines de Danio margaritatus y Neocaridina heteropoda "red cherry"
Materials Roca metabasalto de la zona.
Additional Information Cambio de agua diario del 50%

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