#204: 180L Aquatic Garden Anna

Samuele Gamberini Recoaro Terme, Italy

Aquascape Details

Dimensions 80 × 50 × 45 cm
Title Anna
Volume 180L
Background White cloth
Lighting Giesemann 4x39w t5
Filtration Hydor professional 350
Plants Rotala pink/green ,Eleocharic minima ,Micranthemum 'Monte Carlo',Hygrophyla pinnatifida,Riccardia chamedryfolia,Weeping/Fissidens/Spiky/java moss
Aegagropila linnaei, Mayaca fluviatilis ,Bolbitis H,Microsorum pteropus Thor's Hammer
Animals Hyphessobrycon flammeus,Red cherry shrimp
Crossocheilus siamensis
Materials Horn wood ADA,congo sand ADA , Fillade quarzifera rocks
Additional Information I wanted to create a valley where nature had the best

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