#341: 300L Aquatic Garden Pareidolia

Martial Hervy Veneux les Sablons, France

Awards and Comments

Top Ten
Nature Aquarium style. Great layout with Natural atmosphere. I love the shadowns and contrasts. I just think that there is too much driftwood and too many plants at the surface. The cosmetic sand job in this layout style is very acceptable but it is too shy. Could be more important with more personality. I miss a empty space in the layout to refresh my view. But still is impressive Nature Aquarium. Greetings.
— André Longarco
Strong impressive layout... The top is a little cluttered one more pruning would have elevated this design... great effort!
— Kam Wong
This scape utilizes shadows well. It is a very healthy green aquascape. I would have liked to see the I would have liked to see the tall background grasses trimmed a bit so as to not take up so much of the water surface.
— Shawn McBride

Aquascape Details

Dimensions 120 × 50 × 50 cm
Title Pareidolia
Volume 300L
Background back lighting
Lighting LED, 4x 40W
Filtration 3500 L/h
Plants Bolbitis heudelotii
microsorum trident
eriauclaulon japan needle leaf
hemianthus micranthemoides
ludwigia palustris
Anubias barteri var. Nana petite
Littorella uniflora
Eleocharis acicularis 'Mini'
Lilaeopsis brasiliensis.
Marsilea crenata
Micranthemum 'Monte Carlo'
Myriophyllum mattogrossense
Fissidens fontanus
Hemianthus callitrichoides
Hydrocotyle verticillata
Riccardia chamedryfolia
Buccephalandra sp
Callicostella sp. "Gunung Sumpit"
Taxiphyllum sp. French Guyana
Vesicularia sp. Wolinski
crypltocoryne albida brown
Animals Paracheirodon simulans
Materials river sand, ADA amazonia, local wood, local stones

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