#263: 120L Aquatic Garden Vintgar Gorge

younghun cho Seo-gu, South Korea


Interesting selection of plants... However the downside of using a scattering of unique species also mean that the aquascape looks fragmented.
— Dennis Wong

Aquascape Details

Dimensions 60 × 45 × 45 cm
Title Vintgar Gorge
Volume 120L
Background Opaque sheet paper
Lighting Twinstar light 600E 33W
Filtration QQ-aqua BC 1000
Plants Crepidomanes sp. Calicut,Crepidomanes auriculatum, Eleocharis acicularis 'Mine',
Marsilea drummond, Cryptocoryne lucens, Taiwan moss mini,Hydrocotyle sibthorpioides,
Acgrophila santere, Fissidens nobilis, Jungermannia truncata nees,
Fissidens splachnobryoides, Bolbitis Heteroclita Difformis Mine, Plagiomnium rastraum KOP
Bucephalandra sp Hulu Boyan, Bucephalandra sp. Mini purple, Bucephalandra Purple Apple leaf
Animals Rasbora Heteromorpha, Neocardina denticulata
Materials Natural blue dragon stone.
Greenosis light green sand , Black Sand, Branch wood/Nature Wood, Neo compact soil
Additional Information made the layout using the canyon of Vintgar national park of Slovenia as a motif.

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