#358: 95L Aquatic Garden shrimp house

daniel deacu Calarasi, Romania

Aquascape Details

Dimensions 46 × 47 × 45 cm
Title shrimp house
Volume 95L
Background black sticker
Lighting 2 low cost led lamps 10W each
Filtration internal sump. with an 520l/h pump
Plants moss xmas. flame moss, fissdens fontanus, anubias petite, bucephalandra , blixa japonica, limnophilla, rotala.
Animals otocinclus, guppys's, amano shrimp, red cherry shrimps. snails.
Materials frodo rock, lava rocks. inert black gravel, mopani wood
Additional Information tap water, ferts. small amounts of HerbAquatic. no co2.

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