#555: 17L Aquatic Garden River Cuervo

Alfredo Martin Escribano Valencia, Spain


Did you intend to submit this into the Biotope segment instead ? Improved plant health would have made a better impression. From a biotope-angle having obvious pelleted aquasoil against the front glass disrupts the illusion of natural environment.
— Dennis Wong

Aquascape Details

Dimensions 45 × 24 × 16 cm
Title River Cuervo
Volume 17L
Background White Foam
Lighting Aquael Smart LEDDY 9W
Filtration SUNSUN 602b - Filtration material: only foam and a Cattapa Leaf
Plants Lilaeopsis Brasiliensis
Littorella Uniflora
Christmas Moss
Riccia Fluitans
Animals 10 Rasbora Briggitae
1 Amano Shrimp
Materials Natural River Stones
Natural River Roots
Additional Information Substrate: Tropica System (Substrate + Soil), adding a thin layer of Borneo Wild.

My inspiration is a river from the county my family are from (Cuenca, Spain). The name of the river is Cuervo, and the land surrounding the river is really arid, the roots normally break down the earth, and the roots are often exposed to the sun, or to the river bank if they're close enough.

Plus, it barely rains throughout the year, but on winter the wheather is so cold that we could reach easyli -10ºC from november to april. Therefore, the vegetation are mainly bushes and small creepling plant.

As you can see from my scape, I tried to reproduce such environment in a small BLAU tank, with 17 litres (12 net litres after adding hardscape), using for the hardscape all the materials you can find on the river bank, and adding plant that look long and spiky (littorella, lilaeopsis), plus the bushes that you can find surrounding the paths (Riccia).

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