#673: 96L Aquatic Garden Eutopia trapped within a glass cage

Behrad Teymourian Tehran, Iran

Aquascape Details

Dimensions 60 × 40 × 40 cm
Title Eutopia trapped within a glass cage
Volume 96L
Lighting 3x24W fluorescent T5 lamps
Filtration Sicce whale 200 , 700l/h filter
Plants Pogostomon helferi,Estrogen repens,Anubia nana,Rotala indica,Hydrocotyle leucocephala,Alternanthera reinechii,Microsorum pteropus"windelov",Glossostigma elatinoides,Cabomba pulcherrima,Ludwigia repens
Animals Symphysodon "Discus fish" x6
Neocaridina davidi "red cherry shrimp" x20
Paracheiroden innesi "neon tetra fish" x3
Danio rerio fish "zebra/red zebra fish" x5
African zebra nerite snail x3
Tiger track nerite snail x3
Materials Glass Garten soil as the substrate, driftwood
Additional Information this is my first pro aquascape hope you like it . some other gadgets are the surface skimmer, spiral bubble counter plus defuser and co2 indicator

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