#693: 480L Aquatic Garden Birth of Purity

Bernardo Salas Perez Huajuapan de Leon, Oaxaca, Mexico

Aquascape Details

Dimensions 150 × 60 × 50 cm
Title Birth of Purity
Volume 480L
Background Deep sea blue, by external led lamp.
Lighting X 12, T5 giesemann tubes mix of several kelvins
Filtration X2 canisters boyu efu 45.
Plants Marcilea crenata, echinodorus tenellus , hc cuba, heteranthera zosterifolia, higrophilia compact, erio sp, ludwigia alata, ludwigia glandulosa, anubia pettite, higrophilia pinatifida, limnophilia aromatica, higrophilia polisperma,najas guadalupensis, rotala rotundifolia, rotala vietnam,
Animals 50 rasbora espei, 10 hatchet fish, 20 ottocicnlus afinis, 50 amano shrimp.
Materials 13 Main seiryu stones and 7 secondary,several for small details.
Additional Information Inspired on the iwagumi fields and subtle growth of aquatic plants in real nature...Birth of purity is the intention of a replica where aquatic plants grow as they will in nature, balanced with the harmony of Iwagumi style.

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