#383: 243L Paludarium 为霖会有时

刘佳林 Beijing, China


Another one of these vivariums that doesn't really count as a Paludarium but then doesn't even contain and water plants as REQUIRED in the rules. Pretty terrestrial area though.
— Karen Randall
Beautiful vivarium but this isn't a paludarium. It needs a larger aquatic section.
— Phil Edwards

Aquascape Details

Dimensions 90 × 45 × 60 cm
Title 为霖会有时
Volume 243L
Background 发泡胶
Lighting 格林德
Filtration 内置过滤系统
Plants 积水凤梨,蕨类,苔藓,秋海棠,附生植物,食虫植物,细叶铁,辣椒榕
Animals 鱼,虾,螺
Materials 沉木

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