#467: 64L Paludarium Tanjung Bara Sangatta

Ryan Mikail Sangatta Utara, Indonesia


Even the photos you chose to show us show the en=mphasis on you terrestrial composition and the "afterthought of you water area. While you list aquatic plants if they are planted in the water area we can't see them. If we can't see them they don't count. And just having a few floaters on the top doesn't count for much either I'm afraid. Your terrestrial arrangement is very pretty. Now remember to take the rules seriously and develop that water area for next year too!
— Karen Randall

Aquascape Details

Dimensions 80 × 40 × 20 cm
Title Tanjung Bara Sangatta
Volume 64L
Background no
Lighting Led 35 Watt
Filtration UGF system
Plants ficus Pumila, fittonia green, fittonia red, rotala walici emersed, hygrophila polysperma green, anubias nana, vesicularia dubyana, selaginella sp, tillandsia usneoides, buchepalandra sp, cryptocoryne
Animals dwarf gourami, black tetra, Epalzeorhynchos frenatum
Materials kisirem word, lava rock

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