#890: 182L Dutch Aquascape Dutch 2.0

Raj Mahakul Beaverton, United States

Awards and Comments

Third Place
Very well done on the restraints with the amounts of plants. However the scape is missing a real focus plant. Moving the Pogestemon a bit more to the right and having a stronger plant than the Blyxa supporting the Echinodorus could already do a lot. The left side appears a bit less strong than the rest of the tank.
— Marco Aukes
One of the few true Dutch tanks. It's clear that this scaper has spent some time at the NBAT website looking at pictures of tanks belonging to Dutch master scapers. Instead of wall-to-wall red stems we have nice use of grasses large-leaved rosettes planted back wall the right number of species - hallelujah! Great foreground variety in texture and shades of green. The 4 foreground groups are somewhat equal-sized where 3 would have been better. Not enough contrast between Bucephalandra wall and Acmella. The right two-thirds is brilliant. The left third needs contrast. Everything above and to the left of the Blyxa is somewhat undefined. Hygrophila corymbosa would have been a better choice than the Acmella. A little plant street would have been nice. The four bushes of Acmella balsamica Kimberley and Limno are somewhat similar in size shape and height. An excess of shadows/dark spots could use a little work either through lighting photography or better yet a planting style that eliminates shadows. The work of someone who's paying attention.
— Vin Kutty

Aquascape Details

Dimensions 90 × 45 × 45 cm
Title Dutch 2.0
Volume 182L
Background Black Cling and Bucephlandra on walls
Lighting LED
Filtration No Filteration, CO2, Surface Skimmer and Pump
Plants 1. Hydrocotyle Tripartita 'Japan', 2. Acmella Repens, 3. Blyxa Nuvoguineensis, 4. Echinodorus Iguazu 2009, 5. Hygrophila Balsamica, 6. Rotala sp 'Green', 7. Pogostemon Kimberly, 8. Staurogyne Sparaguei, 9. Limnophila Aquatica 10. Cryptocoryne Sivadasanii and Bucephalandra on walls
Animals 16 Tanichthys micagemmae (White cloud Minnow), 9. Neon Tetra (mix of Paracheirodon innesi, Paracheirodon simulans, Paracheirodon axelrodi), 4 Colisa chuna 'Flame', 9 Otocinclus affini, 2 Ancistrus sp.
Materials Manzanita wood, Amazonia substrate with power sand

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