#660: 375L Aquatic Garden 织女湖

严锐驰 哈尔滨, China

Aquascape Details

Dimensions 150 × 50 × 50 cm
Title 织女湖
Volume 375L
Background 白板
Lighting 金卤灯一盏、射灯一盏
Filtration 底滤
Plants 趴地矮珍珠、黑木蕨、鹿角铁皇冠、绿温蒂椒草、迷你椒草、红叶丁香、大三角莫斯、天胡荽、血心兰、迷你牛毛、小水榕
Animals 红鼻剪刀20只
Materials 青龙石、沉木、细河沙
Additional Information 造景灵感来自一个中国的民间故事,也是中国七夕节日的来源,造景包括了故事中的湖泊以及象征爱情的鹊桥
The scenery is inspired by a Chinese folk story and the source of Chinese Tanabata Festival. The scenery includes the lake in the story and the magpie bridge symbolizing love

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