#939: 0.4L Wabi-Kusa The color island

Esteban Manuel Rojo La Plata, Argentina

Awards and Comments


The water must be a “feature”. If you need to pull your Wabi Kusa out to show the water it does not count.
— Karen Randall
Wabi Kusa was clearly grown in a pot and placed in a pot of water.
— Bailin Shaw

Aquascape Details

Dimensions 10 × 10 × 4 cm
Title The color island
Volume 0.4L
Lighting 1 Lámpara led de 12 watts 6500 º k encendido: 8 hs. diarias
Plants Vesicularia dubyana, lobelia cardinalis, alternanthera reineckii mini, ludwigia super red, rotala rotundifolia, higrophila corimbosa compacta, higrophila costata, ammania pedicellata golden.
Materials Bola de sustrato cubierta de musgo. en cuenco de madera lleno de agua.
Additional Information El cuenco tiene un diametro aproximado de 40 cm por 4 cm. de alto.

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